I came to bird hunting, hunting dogs, and NAHRA just over 30 years ago. I was inspired by my future husband, Alan Black, and our good friends Alan/Kolleen Kottwitz and Gary Erickson. I first ran Alan K’s dog in picnic tests. I soon purchased a shotgun and my first German Shorthaired Pointer. She learned to retrieve wads since I was a piss-poor shot for a few years. Iwas awarded a necklace of wads for her 4th Intermediate NAHRA pass (no titles for non-retriever breeds). She made the cover of NAHRA News in 1998 and qualified twice in Senior. My second shorthair earned high-point Intermediate dog for SBDA in 2007. My NAHRA judging experience has largely been in Started and Intermediate since that is the level I competed most. It is amazing what one can learn from a NAHRA judge’s chair. I now have a young Labrador retriever and look forward to seeing how much we can teach and learn from each together. She is my lap dog, best buddy, and fun upland and waterfowl hunting dog. I train my own dogs but rely on NAHRA mentors (Alan Black, Tedd Snodgrass, Darcy Brunes) to provide insight and strategies. Training (expectations) and hunting a lab are quite different from my pointers.
NAHRA offers a good foundation for those who hunt their dogs and want to set training goals in the off-season. My hunting experiences in Washington, Montana, and Alberta have benefited. From my time in NAHRA. I thank the NAHRA family for welcoming me all these years and supporting my past efforts with pointers and my future with Ms. Islay.
Carol Black, Colfax, WA